3 Things You Never Knew About Incenses

Burning incense is often associated with spirituality as it has been used in religious rituals in several cultures for centuries. The fragrant wisps of incense stick smoke linger on for hours in the space where they are lit, creating a tranquil atmosphere to worship and pray. 

But we want to tell you that you can use incense sticks in several ways that you may not have experienced before.

Top Benefits of Burning Incense

Here are the top reasons why you should consider buying incense sticks for your home.

  1. Helps Release Stress & Anxiety
  2. Creates the Perfect Setting for Meditation
  3. May Reduce Airborne Diseases

1. Helps Release Stress & Anxiety

Incense, particularly frankincense, has a relaxing effect on the body. Research studies show that frankincense resin works as a natural anti-depressant by activating areas in our brain that are associated with anxiety and depression. Additionally, a 2017 laboratory animal study revealed that certain compounds present in frankincense and myrrh produced an anti-inflammatory aftereffect. 

To create a calming environment at your home, shop for our frankincense incense sticks here.

2. Creates the Perfect Setting for Meditation

While you can do meditation anywhere, it can really help when you clear and beautify the space before you take time to go inward. Burning incense has been a tradition used since time immemorial to promote tranquility and increase focus as well as concentration. It may also boost the alpha waves in the brain, which helps in mind and body integration. 

We suggest trying our hand-rolled Seven Chakra Incense Sticks to enhance your meditation experience.

3. May Reduce Airborne Diseases

Herbal incense sticks, especially with frankincense and myrrh essential oils, can help reduce airborne bacterial counts by 68 percent, according to a 2018 study. Another herbal incense stick that has a purifying effect in the air is Nag Champa. 

In Chinese and Tibetan traditions, sandalwood is one of the favorite go-to incense fragrances. Try our nag champa Satya Palo Santo Incense Sticks prepared with pure sandalwood powder, aromatic herbs, and essential oils.

Helpful Tips to Burn Incense Safely

Our soapstone and sandstone incense burners and stands are not only heat-resistant but beautifully designed. You can choose between our best-sellers: Black Soapstone Buddha Incense Burner or Sandstone Flower of Life Incense Burner for a truly magical experience. 

Enjoy the beautiful healing vibes of burning incense! 


Medical Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. While incense has been used for centuries, recent studies show that people with lung diseases should avoid it. Also, it should not be used around children as their lungs are still developing. Sometimes, incense smoke can trigger an asthma attack; so, use it with care.

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